Make the most of the summer, it will soon be time for soup!
The Sun is shining and sales of cold drinks and water coolers are on the up!
However you should make the most of the great weather, as being the UK the weather will turn and it will soon be cold again and time for hot drinks!
Good News! For those of you who have a Flavia hot drinks machine. We have been advised by Mars Drinks UK, that we should have the new Tomato Soup sachets, suitable for use in all Flavia drinks machines, ready to supply customers, for January 2017.
Many customers have requested soups for the Flavia systems in the past, and KSV will provide full details and update you on availability, as soon as we have the information.
We of course already have a full range of soups suitable for customers with In-Cup machines, which are available all year round, even when the sun is shining!