I thought many of our customers who enjoy drinking Yorkshire Tea from our Flavia Drinks System would equally appreciate reading about the great work being done by them in Rwanda supporting grass roots cricket.
Not too many years ago Rwanda was making world headlines with a terrible internal civil war that left tens of thousands of innocents murdered, often horribly, simply for being from the wrong tribal background. Many times, I have seen that in the aftermath of war, hate and destruction sport and in particular cricket seems to be an ideal way of bringing former enemies together. Afghanistan riven with civil war for many decades, sadly still not resolved, but their emergence as a competitive cricketing nation able to hold their own on the world stage has been a source of common support in the nation irrespective of any religious or tribal affiliations.
The work done by Yorkshire Tea for a number of years in Rwanda pulls children irrespective of their background together to learn and enjoy that most English of sporting pastimes, cricket. As a major purchaser of tea from Rwanda the desire to make a positive contribution to a stable future in the country has now resulted in a countrywide interest in cricket with very recently Western Province being the last of the countries five provinces to start playing competitively.
There is something friendly and conciliatory about the game of cricket that I think enables people to enjoy a sorting challenge in a gentle environment that brings many to realise that we have far more in common to bring us closer together and leave the hate and violence in the past.
Facebook users can read far more about this via the KSV Vending page.
Written by: Colin from KSV.